Time from Earliest Detection of HIV Infection by Individual Donation Nucleic Acid Testing to Detection by Serological Screening in South African Blood Donors
Eduard Grebe, DST-NRF
Conference Poster
Comparison of the MedMira Reveal G4 LAB/SP and POC HIV Antibody Tests
Wei Luo
Conference Poster
Performance of the ADVIA Centaur HIV Ag/Ab Combo (CHIV) Assay for the Detection of p24 Antigen and HIV Types, Subtypes, and Circulating Recombinant Forms
Sai Patibandla, Siemens Healthineers
Conference Poster
Evaluation of Multisure HIV Rapid Test Device
Gary Murphy
Conference Poster
Validating the BioPlex 2200 Automated Enzyme Immunoassay (EIA) for Detection of HIV
Gabriel LaMore
Conference Poster
A Quality Assessment of the Impact of Serum Centrifugation Speeds When Performing HIV 5th Generation Testing on the BioPlex 2200
Cynthia Turner
Conference Poster
Specificity and Workflow of the BioPlex HIV Ag-Ab Assay in Routine HIV Screening at a Public Health Laboratory
Marvin Coombs
Conference Poster
Evaluating HIV Ab-Ag Combination Assays for Agreement and Specificity
Thomas Alexander
Conference Poster
Identification, Investigation and Impact of False Positive HIV Diagnostic Testing Algorithm Results - The New York State Experience
Joanne Gerber
Conference Poster
Development of Ultra-Sensitive Detection of HIV-1 p24 Antigen Using Lateral Flow Assay (LFA)
Li Zhan
Validation of a Laboratory Developed PCR Test for Use in the Diagnosis of HIV-2
Linda Jagodzinski
Conference Poster
Implementation of External Quality Assurance for Point of Care Early Infant HIV Diagnosis in Kenya
Nancy Bowen
Observation of Inconsistent HIV-1 Viral Load Results from Roche COBAS®AmpliPrep/ COBAS®TaqMan® and Hologic Aptima HIV-1 Quant Assays
Madina Shakirzyanova
Conference Poster
Assay for the 45 Minute Detection of HIV-1 RNA Via Modified RT-LAMP Reaction Coupled with a Gold Nanoparticle–Peptide Nucleic Acid Probe Colorimetric Reporter System
Matthew Jennings
Conference Poster
Evaluation of a Dilution Protocol Using the Aptima HIV-1 RNA Quant Assay on the Panther System with Blood Collected in EDTA-Microtainer Tubes
Rebecca Rossetti
Conference Poster
Analytical Performance of the cobas® HIV-1/2 Qualitative Nucleic Acid Test
Christian Simon
Conference Poster
HIV-1 Viral Load Quantification Using Aptima HIV-1 Quant Dx Assay in Kenya
Geoffrey Kangogo
Customer Satisfaction Survey for Viral Load and Early Infant Diagnosis Specimen Referral Sites at the National HIV Reference Laboratory, Kenya
Naomi Gatambu
Performance Evaluation of a Point-of-Care Whole Blood Viral Load Test (SAMBA II HIV-1 Semi-Q Whole Blood) to Optimise HIV Treatment
Gary Brook
Introduction of Experienced Rapid Testers to a New Multiplex Rapid Test
Eugene Martin
Conference Poster
A U.S. Government Quality Assessment Program to Determine the Suitability of a Large Number and Variety of Rapid Tests
Niel Constantine
Conference Poster
How FoundCare Changed Its Clinical Culture
Taylor Velasquez
Conference Poster
Prevalence of HIV Testing Among Those Ever Diagnosed with Another Sexually Transmitted Disease is High, but Not High Enough
Kevin Delaney
Conference Poster
A Multiplex Point-of-Care for detection of HIV-1/HIV-2 and Hepatitis C infection
Joe Ma
Conference Poster
Detection of Chlamydia trachomatis (CT) and Neisseria gonorrhoeae (NG) in Male Urethral Swabs After Gamma-Irradiation
Katherine Bowden
Conference Poster
Implementation of Mobile Rapid Syphilis Testing to Reach High-Risk Populations in Los Angeles County, CA
Henna Patani
Conference Poster
Validating the BioPlex 2200 Total IgG/IgM Multiplex Flow Immunoassay for Detection of Syphilis Antibodies
Diana Riner
Conference Poster
Incidence Rates of Co-infection with Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, Trichomonas, and Mycoplasma genitalium in Clients Seeking STI Services, Oakland County, MI
Kayleigh Blaney
Use Of An Automated RPR System For Diagnosis Of Syphilis
Candice McNeil
Conference Poster
Communication Preferences of Men Who Have Sex with Men (MSM) About Shigellosis: Lessons from Past HIV/AIDS Public Health Messaging
Steve Evener
Conference Poster
Molecular Characterization of Ciprofloxacin-Resistant Neisseria gonorrhoeae. Is Ciprofloxacin a Suitable Alternative for Precision Treatment in the STI Clinic Setting?
Charlotte Gaydos
Conference Poster
Evaluation of the INSTI HIV-1/2 Test Performance Characteristics at the Point-of-Care Clinical Setting (FDOH-Miami-Dade STD Clinical Lab)
Olga Ponomareva
Conference Poster
iSTAMP Project: Protocol to Test a Mail-Out HIV Testing Intervention to Improve Linkage to HIV Prevention and Care among Minority MSM in Eleven US States
Ruth Dana
Conference Poster
Performance Evaluation of Four Point-of-Care HIV Tests Using Unprocessed Specimens: Baseline Data from Project DETECT
Pollyanna Chavez
Conference Poster
Improving Turnaround Time for the Receipt of HIV/AIDS Laboratory Results to Clinical Care Providers Using Mobile Technology
Collins Mukanya
The Implementation of Dried Blood Spot (DBS) Collection in the Field for Supplemental HIV Testing – National HIV Behavioral Surveillance (NHBS)
Amanda Smith
Conference Poster
Performance of Quality Control Materials for Testing of anti-HIV-1 Antibodies in Dried Blood Spots from 2014 through 2018
Irene Williams
Conference Poster
Broadly Neutralizing HIV-1 Antibody Reactivity in Diagnostic Tests: Implications for Screening
Silvina Masciotra
Conference Poster
Is an HIV Antibody Rapid Test Sufficient to Monitor PrEP Effectiveness?
Tara Smith
Conference Poster
Development and Clinical Use Case of a Urine Tenofovir Adherence Test
Giffin Daughtridge
Conference Poster
Evaluation of Rapid Tests for Recent HIV Infection: Implications for Real-time Surveillance and Epidemic Control
Bharat Parekh
Conference Poster
Multiplex Assay for Concurrent Diagnoses and Detection of HIV-1, HIV-2, and Recent HIV-1 Infection in a Single Test
Ernest Yufenyuy
Conference Poster
Evaluation of Transfix-Treated Blood on Partec Cyflow as a Potential Test Material in an External Quality Assessment (EQA) Program for CD4 T-cell Enumeration
Timothy Nzomo
Conference Poster
Verification of the BD FACSPresto™ Machine for Haemoglobin and CD4 Cell Counts Testing in Kenya
Caleb Ochieng Ogada
Conference Poster
Laboratory Verification of Beckman Coulter Aquios CL for CD4+ T-Cell Enumeration in Kenya
Caleb Ochieng Ogada
Conference Poster
The New Landscape of HIV Testing in Laboratories, Public Health Programs and Clinical Practice