The virtual conference was held March 29, 2022 - April 1, 2022. The conference was recorded and will be available for attendees for 3 months after the live event. You can register to attend the recorded conference until May 1, 2022.

Member Rate (ASTDA and APHL)Early Bird, Regular Registration, Enduring Access$325
Non-Member RateEarly Bird$375
Regular Registration$525
Enduring Access (Only access to recorded sessions)$375
Federal Government      Early Bird, Regular Registration, Enduring Access$325
StudentsEarly Bird, Regular Registration, Enduring Access$125

A 10% group discount is available to 4 or more registrants from the same organization. You can use the code GroupReg at checkout. (Group discount is not available to federal employees).

Continuing education for this activity is pending. See final announcement for details