Performance of the Abbott ARCHITECT® HIV Ag/Ab Combo Assay in a Low Incidence Population
A. Kazianis, L. Randall, P.A. Borne, B.G. Werner, T.Stiles and M.A. Pentella
Conference Poster

Detecting Acute HIV in a High Incidence Setting: Los Angeles and 4th Generation HIV Ag/Ab Testing
K. Sobhani and R. Wonderling
Conference Poster

Evaluation of Antigen and Antibody Sensitivity in 4th Generation HIV Combo Assays Using a Genetically Diverse HIV Panel: ARCHITECT® HIV Ag/Ab Combo vs ADVIA Centaur HIV Ab/Ag Combo (CHIV)
X. Qiu, P. Swanson, Sonia La’ulu, A. McNamara, J. Hackett, Jr. and M.Kuhns
Conference Poster

Experience with the Fourth Generation HIV Testing Algorithm in Saint Louis, Missouri
N.W. Anderson and A. McClellan
Conference Poster

Increase in the Use of 4th Generation HIV-1/2 Immunoassays in the HIV Diagnostic Testing Algorithm over Time: New York State’s Experience
J. Gerber, D.T. Rajulu, K.T. Hukey, V. Relys, D. Frederick, B.L. Moncur, L.M. Styer, B.J. Anderson, M.M. Parker and L.C. Smith
Conference Poster

Distribution of the ARCHITECT® Sample to Cutoff Ration (S/CO) by Fiebig Stage of HIV-1 Infection
Eric M. Ramos, José Ortega, Glenda Daza, Socorro Harb, Joan Dragavon and Robert W. Coombs
Conference Poster

Rapid HIV Diagnosis in the Hospital Emergency Department and Primary Care Clinic Settings: Successful Experience and Challenges
Yun F (Wayne) Wang, Bijal Shah and Heather Freiman
Conference Poster

The Impact of In-House HIV Confirmatory Testing on Linkage to Care in Alaska
Mary Louise Walmsley, Jessica Harvill, Melissa Boyette
Conference Poster

Do Point-of-Care HIV Testing Technologies Affect Linkage to Care? Results from a Large-Scale US HIV Testing Initiative
Elizabeth A. DiNenno, Emeka Oraka, Kevin Delaney, Steve Ethridge, Pollyanna Chavez, Muazzam Nasrullah, Laura Wesolowski
Conference Poster

Use of a Point of Care HIV Rapid-Rapid Testing Algorithm for Partners/Contacts in a Ryan White Clinic Can Facilitate Linkage to Care
A.L. Rogers, C.M. Mangine, K.M. Houser, A.R. Sarwari
Conference Poster

The Optimization and Evaluation of HIV Screening Algorithm Used in Men Who Have Sex With Men in Metropolitan Bangkok, Thailand
Tippawan Pankam, Sarun Saensiriphan, Yalda Jafari, Napapat BariSri, Sunee Sirivichayakul, Nittaya Phanuphak and Praphan Phanuphak
Conference Poster

From 2nd to 4th Generation Rapid HIV Screening: ‘Rolling-Out’ an Enhanced HIV Screening & Linkage Algorithm in New Jersey
E.G. Martin, S.M. Paul, J. Corbo, G. Salaru and E. Saunders
Conference Poster

Performance of Determine Combo and other Point-of-Care HIV Tests Among Seattle MSM
Joanne D. Stekler, George Ure, Joshua D. O’Neal, Aric Lane, Fred Swanson, Janine Maenza, Claire Stevens, Robert W. Coombs, Joan Dragavon, Paul D. Swenson and Matthew R. Golden
Conference Poster

Performance of the Alere Determine™ HIV-1/2 Ag/Ab Combo Rapid Test in the Miami Health Department STD Clinic: A Review of the First 9 Months of Use
O.V. Ponomareva, M. Vasquez and D. Escalona
Conference Poster

New York State Experience in Implementing Alere™ Determine HIV-1/2 Ag/Ab Combo in STD Clinics
Mara San Antonio-Gaddy, April Richardson-Moore and Thomas Sullivan
Conference Poster

Michigan Statewide Rollout of the 4th Generation Alere Determine HIV 1/2 Ag/Ab Combo
Dawn Lukomski and Kenneth Borkowski
Conference Poster

New Raw Materials for the OraQuick ADVANCE® Rapid HIV-1/2 Antibody Test Design
Graham D. Yearwood, Mark J. Fischl, Geraldine B. Guillon, Jay Lynn Unangst, Lisa A. Kurtz and Casey H. Snipes
Conference Poster

Implementation of Alere™ Determine HIV-1/2 Ag/Ab Combo in New York State CLIA Waived Point of Care Testing Sites
Thomas Sullivan, Mara San Antonio-Gaddy
Conference Poster

Sensitivity of the Alere DetermineTM HIV-1/2 Ag/Ab Combo Rapid Test in a South Florida Population
with a High Prevalence of HIV Infection
Pam Sullivan, Leah D. Gillis, Berry Bennett, Sally Fordan and Bonnie Hardy,
Conference Poster

Determining Where it Fits: San Francisco’s Roll Out of Alere Determine
Thomas Knoble, Jose Luis Guzman, Darpun Sachdev, John Melichar and Tracey Packer
Conference Poster

Increase in HIV Testing during European Testing Week and Type of Tests Used
I. Sperle, B. West, V. Delpech, T. Noori, A. Zakowicz, A-I von Lingen, N. Dedes, J. Farrell, C. Daamen, J. Begovac, L. Power, C. James, B. Collins, T. Kovacs, R. Fernandes, I. Gordon, J. Rockstroh and D. Raben
Conference Poster

Validation of the GEN-PROBE®APTIMA®HIV-1 RNA Qualitative Assay for use with Dried Blood Spots (DBS)
Timothy J. Sullivan, Katherine N. Nerses and Monica M. Parker
Conference Poster

Diminishing Returns on Increased Dried Blood Spot Sample Quantity
Laura C. Gravens, Patrick S. Sullivan and A.D. McNaughten
Conference Poster

Evaluation of Digital PCR Platforms and Development of an HIV-2 Quantitative Assay
Stéphanie Lavoie, François Cholette, Steven Sanders, Dione Ng and John Kim
Conference Poster

Performance Evaluation of Cobas® HIV-1 for High Throughput HIV Viral Load Testing
Pirmin Loetscher, Stefanie P. Templer, Britta Seiverth, Anika Cobernuss-Rahn, Ed Marins, Christian O. Simon and Robert F. Luo
Conference Poster

Performance of the VITROS® Immunodiagnostic Products HIV Combo Assay#
C. A. Noeson, P. Contestable, R. Cav, L. Colt, C. Felder, R. Polimeni, E. Sanseverino, K. Smith, I. Tuttle, A. Tweedie, C. Waasdorp and S. Wood
Conference Poster

Development and Evaluation of a New Immunoassay Method for Detection of Recent HIV Infection
A. Khabiri, K. Azadmamnesh, E. Mostafavi, M.M. Sajadi and Z. Rikhtegaran Tehrani
Conference Poster

Performance of Rapid HIV Testing in the High Throughput Environment of County Jails
AC Spaulding, MA Stanley, EJ Anderson, JR Freshley and CJ Bowden
Conference Poster