Monday, March 21, 2016
The New Landscape of HIV Testing
Monica Parker, Ph.D
Updated HIV Testing Terminology and Technology
Michele Owen, Ph.D
Why HIV Tests are Regulated as They are and Understanding the Package Insert
Pradip Akolkar, Ph.D
Evaluating HIV Test Performance
Bernard M. Branson, M.D.
Health Department HIV Testing Programs: Status and Opportunities
Liisa M. Randall, Ph.D
Uses of HIV Laboratory Data in Surveillance, and Challenges with Reporting
Albert E. Barskey, MPH
Use of Lab Data for Prevention
A.D. McNaghten. Ph.D, MHSA
Tuesday, March 22, 2016
Opening Session
HIV NAAT versus 4th Generation Antigen-Antibody Testing for Acute HIV Infection
Joanne Stekler, MD MPH
Adding a Diagnostic Claim to HIV Prognostic Assays: Why Not NAT?
Elliot P. Cowan, Ph.D
Roundtable Discussion
Overcoming the Challenges and Barriers to Implementing the HIV Diagnostic Testing Algorithm in your Laboratory
Michael A. Pentella, Ph.D, D(ABMM)
Session A: Performance of HIV Screening Tests in the Laboratory
Performance Evaluation of Two Recently FDA-Approved Ag/Ab Combo Assays in Early HIV-1 Infections
Silvina Masciotra, M.S.
HIV Subtype and Acute Infection Sensitivity of Automated HIV Ag/Ab Assays
Teal Clocksin, M.S.
Performance of the Abbott Architect HIV Ag/Ab Combo Assay in the US Army HIV Diagnostic Algorithm
Sheila A. Peele, MSPH, Ph.D
Performance Evaluation of Determine™ HIV-1/2 Ag/Ab Combo in Plasma and Whole Blood From Early HIV-1 Infections
Silvina Masciotra, M.S.
Session B: Performance of Supplemental Tests and Nucleic Acid Tests
Comparative Performance of the Geenius™ HIV-1/HIV-2 Supplemental Test in Florida’s Public Health Testing Population
Sally H. Fordan, BSMT, (ASCP)
Performance Evaluation of HIV Supplemental Assays
Wei Luo M.S.
Diagnosis of HIV-2 Infection by an HIV-2 Total Nucleic Acid Qualitative Assay Using the Abbott m2000 Platform
Ming Chang, PhD, ASCP (MB)
Sensitive Detection and Accurate Quantification of HIV-2 DNA Using Droplet Digital PCR
Linda M. Styer, Ph.D
Session C: CDC/APHL Laboratory Testing Algorithm
Promoting the Recommended HIV Diagnostic Algorithm: Practical Information for Laboratories
Laura D. Russell, MPH
Evaluation of Newly Approved HIV Antigen-Antibody Tests Individually and When Used in the CDC/APHL HIV Diagnostic Algorithm
Kevin P. Delaney, MPH, Ph.D
Is It Always Necessary for the ARCHITECT 4th-Generation HIV-1/2 Ag/Ab Combo Assay to be Repeatedly Reactive Before Moving Forward in the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) HIV Screening Algorithm?
Eric M. Ramos MD, M.S.
APHL/CDC Project for Referral of HIV Nucleic Acid Amplification Testing (NAT) for US Public Health Laboratories (PHLs)
Anne M. Gaynor, Ph.D
Session D: CDC/APHL Laboratory Testing Algorithm (Part 2)
Efficacy of 4th Generation HIV Screening Algorithm in Detecting Acute HIV Infection and the Utility of Abbott Architect Signal-to-Cutoff Ration in the Regard
Thomas P. Giordano, MD, MPH
Real-World Performance of the New US HIV Testing Algorithm in Medical Settings
Christopher D. Pilcher, MD
Comparison of Turn-Around Time and Total Cost of HIV Testing Before and After Implementation of the 2014 CDC/APHL Laboratory Testing Algorithm for Diagnosis of HIV Infection
Joseph D. Yao, MD
Roundtable Discussion
Challenges and Success of Implementing the HIV Diagnostic Testing Algorithm: Reports from Four HIV Surveillance Programs
Bridget J. Anderson, Ph.D
Wednesday, March 23, 2016
Satellite Breakfast Symposium Presented by ASHA and ASTDA
HIV Testing: Evolution of the Species
Thomas S. Alexander, Ph.D, D(ABMLI)
Roundtable Discussion
Improving the Impact of HIV Testing Through Better Linkage and More Timely Viral Suppression
Eugene G. Martin, Ph.D, Joanne Stekler, MD, MPH, Christopher D. Pilcher, MD
Session E: Streamlining Test Result Turnaround Time and Linkage to Care
Rapid HIV Testing, New Jersey, 2007-2014
Debbie Y. Mohammed, DrPH
Using Reported HIV Diagnostic Testing Results to Identify Cases of Acute HIV Infection: Lessons Learned from New York State
Bridget J. Anderson, Ph.D
Implementation of 4th Generation HIV Testing Algorithm at a Public Health STD Clinic for Real-Time Screening and Confirmation
Steve Gradus, Ph.D, D(ABMM)
Perceptions and Performance of Self-Administered Rapid HIV Tests Conducted by Untrained Users in Real World Settings
Pollyanna R. Chavez, Ph.D
Session F: Performance of CLIA-Waived HIV Tests
Implementing HIV Testing in Non-Clinical Settings: A Guide for HIV Testing Providers
Kristina Grabbe, MPH
Performance Evaluation of the INSTI HIV-1/2 Antibody Point-of-Care Test in Early and Established Infections
Sarah Adams, B.S.
Performance of the NJ Rapid 4th Generation POC Testing Algorithm - New Jersey
Eugene G. Martin, Ph.D
Evaluation of New HIV Testing Technologies in a Clinical Setting with High Incidence: Rationale, Study Design and Preliminary Results from Project DETECT
Kevin P. Delaney, MPH, Ph.D
Session G: Special Testing Circumstances
Evolving State Laboratory Diagnostic Capacity During an HIV Outbreak
Sara J. Blosser, Ph.D
Beyond Drug Resistance Testing: Using HIV-1 Sequence Data to Infer Transmission Networks and Inform Public Health Action
Cheryl B. Ocfemia, MPH and Ellsworth M. Campbell III, MS
Absence of Serological Response Following Early Treatment of Acute HIV Infection
Mark M. Manak, Ph.D
HIV Antibodies as Markers of HIV Systemic Reservoir and Viral Suppression
Michael P. Busch, MD, Ph.D
Session H: Testing Alternatives Using Dried Blood Specimens
Evaluation of the Performance of the Bio-Rad GS HIV Combo Ag/Ab EIA and Bio-Rad Geenius™ HIV-1/2 Supplemental Assay Using Dried Blood Spots as an Alternative Specimen Type
Silvina Masciotra, MS
Roundtable Discussion
Good Quality Dry Blood Specimens
Joanne V. Mei, Ph.D
Background Slideshow
Thursday, March 24, 2016
Satellite Breakfast Symposium Presented by ASHA and ASTDA
Reducing Missed Opportunities: Reconnecting HIV & STI Screening
Barbara Van Der Pol, Ph.D, MPH
HIV Testing in the STD Clinic Setting
Cornelius A. Rietmeijer, MD, Ph.D
Session I: Integrated Testing for Multiple Pathogens
Health Services Evaluation of an Emergency Department HIV and Syphilis Testing Program Using Rapid Point-of-Care Diagnostic Tests in Detroit, Michigan: 2015-2016
Cal Ham, MD, MPH
Multiplex Screening Assays - Advancing Targeted Screening of Co-Morbidity Via DPP® HIV-Syphilis Multiplex Rapid Test
Tom Ippolito, BS
Performance of a Rapid, 60 Second Multiplex Test for Simultaneous Detection of Antibodies to HIV-1, HIV-2 and T. pallidum in Serum, Plasma and Whole Blood
Richard A. Galli, BC
Session J: New Tests for Diagnosis, Clinical Staging, and Surveillance
The Effects of MDRI Updates and Transition to a New Recency Assay on HIV Incidence Estimation in the United States
Angela L. Hernandez, MD, MPH
Luminex-Based Multiplex Assay for HIV Incidence
Ernest L. Yufenyuy, Ph.D
Unmodified Diagnostic Assay Provides Similar Performance to Avidity Modification for Surveillance and Clinical Recency Staging Applications
Eduard Grebe, Ph.D
A Generalizable Method With Improved Accuracy for Estimation of HIV INfection Duration Using Clinical HIV Testing Histories
Christopher D. Pilcher, MD
Use of the VioOne™ HIV Profile™ for Detection of Recent HIV-1 Infection
Don E. Lockwood, Ph.D
Feedback Session
New Technology and its Impact on the CDC/APHL Laboratory Testing Algorithm
Laura Wesolowski, Ph.D
Closing Statements
S. Michele Owen, Ph.D