December 5, 2007


Bernard M. Branson: Introduction to 2007 HIV Diagnostics Conference

Barbara G. Werner: Addressing the Challenges Associated with Current HIV Diagnostic Algorithms

Strategies for Routine Screening for Acute HIV Infection

Oral 26 – Pragna Patel: Detection of Acute HIV infections in Florida, Los Angeles and New York City, 2006-2007
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Oral 55 - Steven Ethridge: Validating 16 Member Pooled APTIMA® HIV-1 RNA testing
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Oral 3 - Josh Goldsmith: High Throughput Donor Plasma NAT Screening Assay Applied to Acute HIV Detection in a Public Health Setting
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Oral 8 – Pat Simmons: Acute HIV Infection Screening and Prevention, Study Implementation Challenges
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Oral 56 - Kathleen Gallagher: Implementation of Acute HIV Infection Screening in STD Clinics Using Rapid HIV Antibody Testing, New York City, 2007
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Strategies for Targeted Screening for Acute HIV Infection

Oral 9 - Mark Pandori: Screening and Confirmation of HIV Infection Solely by RNA-Based Methods
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Oral 42 – Maria Carlos (presented by William Oleszko): Screening for Acute HIV-1 Infection at NYC DOHMH Public Health Laboratory
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Oral 23 – Brian Louie (presented by Sally Liska): Combined Rapid and HIV RNA Testing in a Public STD Clinic, San Francisco, 2004-2006
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Laboratory-based Strategies Using Confirmatory Supplemental Tests or Combinations of Screening Assays

Oral 18 - Monica Parker: Incorporation of the Aptima® HIV-1 RNA Assay into Serodiagnostic and Rapid Test Confirmation Testing Algorithms to Resolve Discordant Serological Results
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Oral 27 - Berry Bennett: Comparative Performance of Dual 3rd Generation Immunoassays as a Potential Laboratory-Based HIV-1/2 Testing Strategy
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Oral 50 - Robert O’Connell: Usefulness of a Secondary Enzyme Immunoassay (EIA) Screen in a Low HIV Prevalence Population
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Oral 48 - Robert Myers: Can Sequentially Reactive HIV EIA’s Replace HIV-1 Western Blot Testing?: Results of HIV-1 Western Blot Testing on Specimens that were Dual Reactive in both a Third generation HIV-1/ HIV-2 EIA and a First Generation HIV-1 EIA.
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December 6, 2007

Laboratory-based Strategies Using Combinations of Screening Assays and Rapid Tests

Oral 4 - Joanne Stekler: Sensitivity of OraQuick and Early Generation Enzyme Immunoassay (EIA) within a Pooled HIV Nucleic Acid Amplification Testing (HIV NAAT) Program
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Oral 24 - Laura Wesolowski: Performance of Bio-Rad Genetic Systems HIV-1/HIV-2 Plus O EIA followed by Multispot in a Dual Immunoassay HIV Testing Strategy
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Oral 51 – Jane Feldman (presented by Tim Granade): Multi-Test Strategies for the Determination of HIV Serostatus without the Use of Western Immunoblotting
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Performance of Point of Care Strategies Using Combinations of Rapid Tests

Oral 13 - Brian Louie (presented by Mark Pandori): Reactivity of an Array of HIV Antibody Assays with Specimens from HIV Acutely Infected Individuals
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Oral 15 - Evan Cadoff: Retrospective Application of the Proposed CDC/APHL Rapid Testing Algorithm in New Jersey 2004-7
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Oral 41 - Kevin Delaney: Comparing the Performance of the APHL/CDC Proposed POC Testing Strategies and Other Potential Options Using Data from the CDC’s Evaluation of FDA Approved Rapid Tests
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Oral 30 - Robert Boromisa: Evaluation of a 3 Rapid Test Algorithm for the Diagnosis of HIV Infection at Point of Care Rapid Testing Facilities: Strategy 4 Data Needs
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Applications of Point of Care Strategies Using Combinations of Rapid Tests

Oral 46 - Alicia Scribner: The Use of Additional Rapid HIV Tests on Whole-Blood Increases the Predictive Value of Rapid Oral-Fluid HIV Testing
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Oral 40 - Thomas Knoble: Implementing a Multiple Rapid HIV Test Algorithm to Quickly Identify False Positive Rapid Tests and Provide Immediate Referral to Care for Persons Likely to be Infected with HIV, San Francisco, CA 2007
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Oral 31 – Jason Haukoos (presented by Brian Boyett): Implementing a Laboratory-based Rapid HIV Testing Algorithm using Two Different Test Kits in a Hospital Emergency Department
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Oral 39 - Teri Dowling: Training and Quality Assurance for a Rapid Test Algorithm: Lessons from Implementation, San Francisco, CA 2007
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Oral 58 - Julia Cummiskey: Increasing the Predictive Value of Clinic-based Rapid HIV Antibody Screening Using Oral Fluid and Whole-Blood Rapid Testing in 10 Publicly-funded Sexually Transmitted Disease Clinics, New York City, 2006-2007
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Emerging Dilemmas: HIV-2 Confirmation and Diagnosis in HIV Vaccine Recipients

Oral 28 - Lata Kumar: Epidemiology of HIV-2 Infection in the United States – 1996-2006
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Oral 47 - Robert Myers: Identifying HIV-2 Infections Using a Differential HIV-1(gp41) /HIV-2 (gp36) Serological Assays (Select HIV or Multispot) by Testing HIV EIA Reactive Specimens Unconfirmed as HIV-1 Antibody Positive by HIV-1 Western Blot
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Oral 29 - Robert Boromisa: Evaluation of a Proposed Testing Strategy for Laboratory-Based Testing Using an HIV-1/2 Discriminatory Assay for HIV: Strategy 5 Data Needs
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Oral 11 - Robert Coombs: Diagnosis of HIV-1 Infection in Phase I and II HIV Vaccine Trials
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December 7, 2007

New HIV Diagnostic Technologies

Oral 6 - John Kim: Comparison of a Non-licensed Line-Immunoassay (LIA) and an Approved Western Blot Assay in the Canadian NLHRS HIV-Ab Testing Algorithm Demonstrates the Poorer Specificity Associated with the HIV-1 Western Blot
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Oral 45 -Frank McGee: Results of a Pilot Point-of-Care (POC) HIV Testing Program Using INSTI HIV in an Urban Sexual Health Clinic in Canada
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Oral 22 - Philip Cunningham: Enhanced Laboratory Surveillance of Acute HIV Infection in Sydney Australia
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Oral 37 - Justin Glover: Development of an Anti-HIV 1+2 Assay for Use on a Random Access System
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