Opening Session
Moderator – Mark Pandori, PhD, San Francisco Department of Public Health, HIV Diagnostics Conference Planning Committee Chair
Evolution of HIV Diagnostics and Goals of the 2010 Conference
HIV Testing in Public Health Laboratories: Results from the 2009 APHL HIV Testing Practices Survey
Rapid Testing Algorithms at the Point of Care/Contact
Moderator – Kevin Delaney, MPH, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Lessons Learned from San Francisco’s Experience with Rapid Testing Algorithms
Statewide Implementation of Rapid-Rapid Testing in New Jersey
Rapid Testing Algorithms at the Point of Care/Contact
Moderator – Michael Pentella, PhD, D(ABMM), University of Iowa Hygienic Laboratory
Examination of an alternative algorithm for HIV diagnostics using HIV-1/2 rapid tests as confirmatory assays
Expanded HIV Rapid Testing in Emergency Departments (ED) – Chicago, Illinois 2007-2008
Multiplexed POC Device for HIV and Co-Infection Serodiagnosis
Bridging Point-of-Care/Contact & Laboratory Testing
Moderator – Kathleen Krchnavek, MSSW, Wisconsin Department of Health
Establishing Ongoing Competency Assessment to Maintain HIV Testing Skills
A Successful HIV Testing Quality Assurance Program; New York State Experience
The Potential Effect of Alternative Algorithms on HIV Surveillance
The HIV Bridge Algorithm: Linking Point-of-Care, Laboratory and Patient Care
Serologic Testing Methods
Moderator – William A. Meyer III, PhD, D(ABMM), Quest Diagnostics
False-positive HIV Test Results Using a Peptide-based Enzyme Immunoassay (EIA) in Pregnant Women and Others
Testing for Recent HIV Infection
Moderator – S. Michele Owen, PhD, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Antibody avidity-based assay for identifying recent HIV-1 infections based on Genetic Systems TM 1/2 plus O EIA
IgG3 as a Biomarker for Distinguishing Recent from Established HIV-1 Infection
A Global Perspective: International Laboratory Poster Highlights
Moderators – Kenneth Landgraf, MS & Tony Tran, MPH, MT(ASCP), Association of Public Health Laboratories
SMARTube as a Test for Recent Infection
The High Positive Immunoassay Confirms HIV-1 Infection and Avoids the Need of Confirmatory Tests
Fourth Generation Immunoassays
Moderator – Bernard Branson, MD, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Performance of the AxSym Ag/Ab HIV Combo assay, a 4th generation assay for routine HIV screening
Performance Evaluation of the Bio-Rad GS HIV Combo Ag/Ab EIA
Clinical and Analytical Evaluation of the ARCHITECT®HIV Ag/Ab Combo Assay
Applications of Nucleic Acid Testing Technologies
Moderator – Sally Liska, DrPH, San Francisco Department of Public Health
Optimization of Abbott m2000 RealTime HIV-1 Viral Load Assay on Breastmilk, Dried Blood Spots, Genital Secretions, Cerebrospinal Fluid, Urine, and Throatwash
Evaluating Kit-Based HIV-1 DNA PCR Protocol for Confirming Infection
New HIV-1 RNA Assay Validation: Roche COBAS TaqMan and Abbott RealTime
Point-of-Care Molecular Diagnostics
New Approaches in HIV Testing
Moderator – Steven Ethridge, MT(ASCP), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
ELISA Strength of Signal in a Protocol to Prevent Mother-to-Child HIV Transmission
A novel method of creating molecular control used in the NLHRS HIV-2 Viral Load Assay and subsequent results in a NIBSC-WHO study to evaluate candidate international standards for HIV-2 RNA
Conference Wrap-Up & Next Steps
Moderated by Bernard Branson, MD, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
The New Landscape of HIV Testing in Laboratories, Public Health Programs and Clinical Practice